Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sophia's Outdoor Swing

We've been trying to get Sophia outside as much as possible during the day - it makes all of us Ahouses much happier and sleep better at night.

Sunday turned out to be a really nice day and our adventures took us near the great park in Cambridge (@ Sacramento & Oxford streets). Dave and I thought it would be fun to test out Sophia in the "big girl" swing. She so thoroughly enjoyed her time in the travel swing we had in the house (I can't begin to count the naps that were had thanks to that magical piece of baby equipment in the early months).

In she went, a little confused at first, but soon took quite a liking to it:

But, after about 5 minutes of swinging, SOMEONE got a little over enthusiastic about the pushing of the swing, resulting in a less than happy baby girl.

So needless to say, the swinging adventure ended for the day. Happily, upon retry a few days later, Sophia was thrilled to be back in the swing (and even moving along at a steady pace!)

The new adventures are so much fun. Her laughter and giggles are the most rewarding present I could ever receive.

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