Tuesday, July 1, 2014

16 Days of Summer Vacation: Day 2

Day 2 was a little quieter day. The morning got off to an easy start and there was a thick fog over the beach - though not in town, one of the great paradoxes of being in a beach town on an island.
We took the opportunity to head down to 1st Beach and hit the Carousel. A treat for the three kids - including Danielle, who's become a part of the family, much to the delight of both Theo & Sophia.

No trip to the carousel is complete without playing at the beach park and a nice sweaty walk back up first beach hill. Good times had by all. 

The evening brought what felt like the actual first part of vacation - Sunday night dinner. Instead of doing the normal scramble home, we had friends over for a BBQ. Their daughter Katherine and Sophia got to know each other last summer and have rekindled their friendship already. It turned into a late night of playing in the backyard and a few rounds of dark and stormies. Fun times had by all!

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